Construction quality Directorate of Norway has issued the highest class certificate of Central Approval to UPB in design, safety and assembly of bearing steel, concrete and glass structures.
AS “UPB” has received the Central Approval (Sentral godkjenning) issued by the Construction quality Directorate of Norway (Direktoratet for byggkvalitet), which:
• Verifies the compliance of UPB’s and its staff’s professional expertise and experience, and UPB’s quality management system with the requirements of the Norwegian Planning and Building Act (Plan- og bygningslov);
• Entitles AS “UPB” to take responsibility within the certified fields of activity in construction projects in Norway;
• Simplifies the procedure for receiving building permit in local municipalities throughout Norway.
AS “UPB” has been qualified by Construction quality Directorate of Norway with the highest 3rd complexity Class of Central Approval in the following fields of activity:
• Design and safety of structures;
• Assembly of bearing steel and concrete structures (Utførelse av Montering av bærende metall- eller betongkonstruksjoner);
• Assembly of glass structures and facade cladding (Utførelse av Montering av glasskonstruksjoner og fasadekledning).
Central Approval